Damn, I hate forgetting to go on this thing.
Dec 31:
Kristine calls me at like 12 in the afternoon and says "We're [Elaine & Kristine] are coming over"
Later in the day they show up at my house with an Easybake oven. Merry Christmas.
Then we went to Subways which was pretty funny because thats probably the most Asians anyone there has ever seen under one roof and I guess with that the guy expected us to get the same sandwich. Haha. Wrong. We wanted completely different things. He got confused. It was funnyyy. xD
Jan 30 - Feb 1:
Seniorrr Tripp. Pinegrove (which totally sucks mann)
I had the most amazing time with my roomies [Elaine, Isbella, JingJing, Lisa]. Though we totally didn't get to do all the things that we wanted to do, we had a wonderful bonding time and I'm glad they were my room mates cuz if not, I don't know what I would have done without them. <33
Though YELLOW BUS won the contest and got themselves a bagel and juice, red bus was totally the winners. We brought 16+ bottles of water, I brought 10 packs of capri sun [and so did Kai], and we each had a bagful of snacks. Yeah, we were totally the winners there.

The water smelled and tasted like chlorine, and the food was disgusting. And on the last day when I could have totally sang karaoke with my friends, I was stuck in the bathroom throwing up everything that I ate. Stupid Shit.
Fun Times at Senior Trip
-Having a mob of people from our school sing Happy Birthday to Stacy
[whos Stacy???] lmaos

-Getting stuck on that rock climbing wall
-Getting stuck in ice in the middle of the playground
-Pushing that stupid fat bitch that cut me in line when we were getting food >=]
-Realizing what incredibly amazing friends that I have <333

Feb 3:
Report Cards:
English: 90
PreCal: 97
Government: 90
AP Psychology: 89
Guitar: 100
GYM: 90
Overall: 95.something
Classes: English 102, AP Psychology, Calculus, Economics, Guitar, Health
Feb 4:
Rest In Peace Grandpa.
My last grandparent is gone. I'm gonna miss him!
Apparently he fell and hit his head and didn't think it was that big of a deal. Turns out that when he hit his head, he had internal bleeding in his head for a couple of days before he started throwing up and my family rushed him to the hospital.
He was the one I was closest to, and was an amazing cook =]. It sucks that my mom couldn't go back and go to his funeral.
Feb 7:
Had a lot of fun with SFM making pipe cleaner snowboarders and skiers. Their Italian sandwich was really good. Then we walked on over to whole foods to invade their bathroom, then to Chinatown to eat. yum. fun day! Even though ana still owes me 1/2 a sandwich! >=[
Feb 10:
My second iPod...or should I say ritaPodxD. I promise I'll take care of my ipod better this time. It's a 16GB blue 4th generation Nano. Big enough to hold all 2300+ songs on my computer and more =].
Feb 15:
Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii.
I've been getting a workout playing tennis everyday. Dare I say it, I think I like golf more =O. I need to get dance dance revolution and a dance pad for it.
Feb 17:
I HAVE A JOB. A job that I've been waiting for =]. Now I'm finally getting paid for all my hard work. On the downside, I don't have as much freedom as I normally do. And this whole work crap is actually interfering with my social life, I mean, of what little social life that I have. Ehh whatever. Maybe now I can buy myself a new phone. It feels good to actually work and buy something for yourself. I wish I could work more hours though.
Welps. That's it for now...I guess =]
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