I must say I'm quite pleased with my grades for once :]. I guess all that hard work paid off:
College Now Web Design 95
Math BH 94
French 80 [arghhhh. ruins the big picture]
Art Appreciation 92
English 91
GYM 85 [doesn't get averaged in anyways]
PhysicsH 91
US History 92 [o.O]
Overall Average: 92.04%
Yay. This is the first 90+ average I've seen since 6th grade. Shows how much I've been slacking off huh? I'm uber duber happy xD. Goal for next semester 95? Ehh...I think I should try to keep that 90+ instead of aiming that high. Apparently 55% of the people that took the Math B regents failed. It really worries me. Will I be ready enough to pass it in June? My goal for math is 90+ cuz I'm sucha math nerd 8D. I'm not sure if i can do it >.< I spent part of my afternoon with Michelley. I carried her huge display board around Elmhurst -.- and now I must do those practice regents problem things... Ahh. I wish this week would be over and I can sleep in again. Did I mention I was late this morning? Woke up at 7...went back to sleep and woke up at 8. I asked my dad to drive me so I ended up being 5-10 minutes late. If I had taken the bus instead, I would have been early...for 3rd period. I won't let that happen...I needed my new schedule and report card xD
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Final 1st Semester
Written at
7:27 PM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
That's currently how I'm feeling. I woke up this morning with some crummy feeling inside of me, as if I've lost myself. I'm beginning to think back, far back to my middle school years and I see that I've really changed. 6th grade was all about sucking up to the push over teachers. It was pretty easy getting good grades from them since I just sat there quietly and was not part of the "girlfriends" or "bitches" or and of the other groups of people that thought they were "cool". I didn't trash the room like they did or give blow jobs in class so that was like a bonus for me. My depression started in 7th grade. I went to the psychiatrist for A.D.D., but I found myself depressed, which probably made it seem like I had A.D.D. In 8th grade I did nothing, absolutely nothing and my grades went down the drain, but knowing that I'd be leaving made me somewhat happy...scared... but happy (though I was disappointed that I didn't get into Forest Hills). I see myself today as the total opposite of all that. I actually do my homework and care about my grades (although trying my hardest does not even get me a 90), I'm happy (well...somewhat), and I know that I don't have to try to fit in cuz technically, I already do (especially within the swarm of Asians at Bayside). I'm thinking this trashy feeling may end up following me through the rest of high school, college, medical school? xD. Doesn't hurt to aim high...or dream...
Written at
11:11 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Song count
1714 O.O Woah... I need a new music player. I shall purchase one after Chinese New Year...which is coming up sooooon :D Feb. 7 Yo, counting the days xD
So I finish beating my game...again. I'm totally bored and I haven't got off my computer yet. Must finish midterm...like ahh.....
I shall download more songs =D
I feel accomplished. I was going through Amy's blog and I wish I had not abandoned my own a few months ago. What can I say? After Angela moved, I didn't feel like writing in it since she was the one I spent a lot of time with. IDK. I think I'm going to ditch facebook again and come back to my blog =D. Though I highly doubt there would ever be something to write about. There has been so little to write about. I just go straight on the Q31 and go straight home, nothing interesting or special. Except on Fridays where I spend a lot of time at QC cuz of Michelle and Dennis. I wish everything could just go back to the way they were last year, or even freshman year. Beatriz would be here instead of Florida and I could see her every weekend, Kristine would be by my side and I could actually see her smiling instead of crying and breaking phones cuz of Alex, the one I thought I loved would still talk to me, and Angela would make sure that I wasn't the one all left out and such. It seems that everyone is paired off, whether its with a boyfriend or a best friend and I'm kinda left out of all of that. I'm not as happy as I used to be & I guess it's meant to be that way. I will not go through depression again, HELL FCKING NO, but I would like to be happy.
Written at
12:02 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
So lazy
So this past regents week was spent either in my room playing Sims Bustin' Out on my gameboy [beating it for the 12587439578394th time], on the couch sleeping and watching the Australian Open, or just...sleeping. Thursday I went to Manhattan to play volleyball. Michelle broke my needle so we couldn't play xP. I should have been finishing my math midterm which was UBER DUBER hard! Like, UBER DUBER hard.
@_@ I have 2 days to figure it all out >.<
I finished registration for March SATs. I shall be going to Forest Hills High, my preferred high school -.-, with my uber awesome & smart Hua Jingy. She thinks shes not ready, Pshh. If anyone is not ready, that would be me! If you got into Queens HS for Sciences at York [which is already too hard for me to remember the name of], you're more ready than I am. I shall start studying after i get my lazy butt off the couch/bed/computer chair. The rest of this year shall be crap -.-
Written at
9:09 PM