1714 O.O Woah... I need a new music player. I shall purchase one after Chinese New Year...which is coming up sooooon :D Feb. 7 Yo, counting the days xD
So I finish beating my game...again. I'm totally bored and I haven't got off my computer yet. Must finish midterm...like ahh.....
I shall download more songs =D
I feel accomplished. I was going through Amy's blog and I wish I had not abandoned my own a few months ago. What can I say? After Angela moved, I didn't feel like writing in it since she was the one I spent a lot of time with. IDK. I think I'm going to ditch facebook again and come back to my blog =D. Though I highly doubt there would ever be something to write about. There has been so little to write about. I just go straight on the Q31 and go straight home, nothing interesting or special. Except on Fridays where I spend a lot of time at QC cuz of Michelle and Dennis. I wish everything could just go back to the way they were last year, or even freshman year. Beatriz would be here instead of Florida and I could see her every weekend, Kristine would be by my side and I could actually see her smiling instead of crying and breaking phones cuz of Alex, the one I thought I loved would still talk to me, and Angela would make sure that I wasn't the one all left out and such. It seems that everyone is paired off, whether its with a boyfriend or a best friend and I'm kinda left out of all of that. I'm not as happy as I used to be & I guess it's meant to be that way. I will not go through depression again, HELL FCKING NO, but I would like to be happy.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Song count
Written at
12:02 PM
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