Today's post shall be a wonderful post since I won't be able to post another message on this day for another 4 years. ITS A LEAP YEAR =] &&
Today was quite amusing...and terrible I guess. I got a 90 on that art project thing we had to do. I lost my bet with Ricky, so he gets his male pride and I still got a snack x]. Low paw made me an egg & cheese sandwich and some animal crackers to go along with it afterwards. I made a fool of myself during volleyball when i yelled out "GOT IT" but then when i swung my arms out for it, the ball just went over my arms and landed on the floor and I'm just standing there in that same position like ...Whaaaaat? Retarded x]. Physics was amusing. We were learning about standing waves...or something like that and he had this drill and string to demonstrate to us. Towards the end he's like "YESS, YESSS, YESSSSSSSSSS" and a whole bunch of people just died of laughter. It sounded like he was having an orgasm or something. It was really funny. After school, I was supposed to go to QC with Michelle and Dennis but I had a little problem. After going to the bank with them, my stomach had this hugeeee cramp and I was in so much pain. We sat in Red Mango for like an hour because my stomach hurt so much. I was trying to contact daddy but he didn't call me back until i was 1/2 way home. I feel a little better now and I'm hoping to look over a few things for tomorrow and try to get a good nights rest. Tomorrow I shall be leaving the house at around 6:50 to get to Forest Hills High School for the SATs. Wish me luckk :]
Friday, February 29, 2008
Hip, hop, leapidy leap
Written at
7:12 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Study, udy, udy
I actually studied for SATs today. I went to Richmond Hill library and worked on the math sections with Hua Jingy. IDK, its hard to take it so seriously when its not the real thing. I mostly guessed using a most of the strategies my Princeton Review book has taught me. We were sitting there one minute and the next thing you know, HJ is like "you have 25 minutes to complete this section. GO" and I'm like oh shyt >.< I knew studying with her would be good cuz we actually studied, anyone else and we would have grabbed a magazine or something and started reading it lol. I learned to not use the word "anyways". I think I'm going to do some more practice problems. I'm not ready for the SATs and I only have like 4 more study days tops. Someone save me >.<
Written at
10:12 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
you step up, i'll STEP UP 2
Saw Step Up 2 today. I met up with Irene in Flushing and had dumplings, then toto's. I look so fat in th picture >.< oyy. Yearbook pictures are gonna be horrible. We walked to the College Point movie theaters. The movie was very cliche. We were like sitting there predicting everything that was going to happen and yeah, it was pretty corny. I liked the dancing though. It really makes me consider dropping the weight and taking dance lessons. So cool. We mostly just walked and talked about people and relationships, mainly the people in French & Physics class, and everyone else we know lol. It was quite amusing. We had Red Mango, yum, and I was able to convince Irene to take the train with me [I mainly just pushed her down the stairs x] and I really wanna just sit down for like a week and watch a marathon of chemistry class last year. I loved the class and all of the fun times in it. I wish I could relive it cuz I'm certainly not happy with junior year thats for sure =T. Must get cleaned up and... sleep?
Written at
7:02 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
kaa laa ohh kayy
Today was my first time Karaoke-ing. lol. It was quite fun. I forgot that today was technically a holiday so after waiting 1/2 hour for the Q37, I ended up taking the Q112 and when I got to Jamaica I was like wtf? Wheres the Q44. When I got to Flushing we go to Red Mango, then to Chinatown to eat, then to 34ST. When we got to the Karaoke place, it was full and Jessie didn't make any reservations so everyone else went back to Flushing besides me, Minju, Jessie, and Andy. Minju and I went to Korea Way. Got some shrimp crackers :] and went to random places like...STAPLES x]. When we went back to the karaoke place, Andy left so it was just me, Minju and Jessie. Minju sung the best [especially the Korean songs] I was jealous. My singing was horrible x[. It consisted of Hey There Delilah, Dirty Little Secret, Crank That Soulja Boy, Since U Been Gone, Goin' Crazy and for the finale HOLLABACK GIRL. I remember singing some Disney songs as well and we totally shook the place. Minju and Jessie were just so loud and I was just so horrible that I gave myself a headache afterwards. My throat still hurts now by the way. We went to Arby's afterwards :]. Yum, curly fries. Tomorrow I MUST start studying for SATs. I don't have much time left, theres just a little more than a week >.< Oy, I don't know what to do.
Written at
9:09 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
untitled post
Today is Sunday and I'm totally bored. My dad is watching tv behind me and its really loud. Either hes becoming deaf or he was trying compete with my music -.- Its been 3 days since Valentines Day and the rose Kristiney gave me seems to still be in good shape. I remember at the end of 8th pd. on Thursday, Michelle's roses were like turning brown [the outter petals] but mine are still nice and red. Theres a itty bitty bit of black on the top of the front petal but that's about it. Aww, she picked the best rose for me [er...maybe she didn't pick it herself but whatever]. I'm taking SATs in less that 2 weeks and I'm really scared. I spent yesterday afternoon studying a bit and then last night trying to finish as much homework as possibly could. I just need to do my art project and my US history homework, which I'll get done today. I wanted to clean and maybe rearrange my room again?
I got a letter in the mail yesterday about Yearbook pictures. They're supposed to be from Feb 26 - 29. I was like what?! Yearbook pictures already?! Damn, time is going by really quickly =(. Not to mention I'm not at all photogenic and I'm probably going to have a horrible picture. I shall spend all week controlling acne and getting rid of dark circles under my eyes. Though I noticed this morning that they were lighter. I put this thing Ana has under my eyes [they're supposed to get rid of sun spots] and idk, my dark circles seem lighter. Or maybe I got a little too much sleep ^.^ but I don't think so. Some days when I get 10+hrs of sleep, they're still there. Wheeee. To my room! Feng Shui! I shall bring harmony to my room xP
Written at
11:48 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
vday `08
Today wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be. I've noticed that every Vday, I'm late for school & each year, the number of singing telegrams I see increases. Once again College Now was a total drag. This girl got like 6 huge balloons, a box with something inside and a teddy bear. It was cute. I thought she'd be happy or something but when she walked it shes like WTF. I'd be pissed if I had to carry that around too lol. But it's sweet.
Oh, I don't get math anymore. Radian? wtf.
I got a rose in 5th period. When the guy came in and called my name, my entire English class was like "whoooooo" cuz they thought it was from a boy. It was from Kristiney <33. She loves me more than any boy...and she loves me more than her boy xD. No singing telegram for me :]. One girl got one in GYM. It was a Korean song & I'd really like to know the title of the song cuz I thought it was really good. During physics I was like stumbling over with my camera trying to get a video of the singing telegram we sent to Salamon. It was quite funny. Enjoy
Written at
8:20 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Day before the end...
Pre-Valentines day I guess? All the snow outside kinda turned in mush this morning but then since it was raining all day, the snow was all gone, everything.
So tomorrow is V-day. I have quite a few once again but its not ALL that I want. I have been warned that I will be getting a singing telegram 5th period tomorrow. Ack. Out of all classes that?! Well, I'm still waiting to see if I'm gonna get one in GYM, that would suck the MOST. When I get home tomorrow [which will be pretty early], I will be with my first love, math 8D LMAO. Yeah whatever. What to wear tomorrow? Black again?
Who would've thought ONE boy would kill a day [maybe 2] and then the rest of HS? *stab stab*
Life sucks. Let me crawl into a ditch and die -.-
Written at
8:58 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snowy Evening
Stupid shit. For once, the snow actually stuck to the ground. As I walked out of school I thought to myself: "shit, i have to shovel snow when I get home". It was fun sliding around to the bus stop. Right before we got to Northern Blvd, there was this hill thing and obviously the bus drivers didn't want to take a risk down that hill cuz 1. it was slippery and 2. if anything happens, their asses are in trouble. Michelley & I got off the bus and we WALKED to Flushing. Many people just waited at the bus stop for another bus but by the time we walked all the way to Flushing, there had only been 1 bus that passed by and none of them had Baysiders on it. I'm tired and I'm pissed. I have homework to do after this and I'm so so so so tired. I want to run around my backyard. The snow there is so clean and untouched. I danced my way into the driveway because it looked so pretty lol.
On a second note, I bombed my math test today...yay.... >=(
Oyy. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Written at
6:48 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Basically what I've been doing all day is resizing my mp3's using Audio Editor. I saved about 1GB of space on my computer and I have plenty more to do. Hopefully I can save a lot of space and I can then fit more songs in whatever new mp3 player I decide to get.
There are like sex pictures that leaked onto the internet of Chinese popstars. My mom thinks I'm stupid enough to ever let that happen to me -.-
I started studying for SATs. Thats good...right?
I'm thirsty.
Must finish homework, cleaning room, and study!
Written at
10:45 PM
Friday, February 8, 2008
All mighty book
I got $330 for Chinese New Year this year ^.^ Not the $400 I usually get but I'm okay with it. I spent $20 on the Princeton Review book for SATs. Hopefully it will help me a lot. In art class we have to draw the soundtrack to our life. I had 2 okay ideas but I still need one more. I guess I should work on that, and the resume I have to do for College Now. It's really gay >.< yesterday he spent at least 10 minutes explaining to us how to save our stuff on the computer. 1. Save file onto computer 2. Email it to yourself. Seriously >.< This morning Jane & I snuck into Ms. Wongs freshman class. She got really annoyed when I tried to answer every single question but I couldn't resist, IT WAS MATH A! I miss it soo much. I'm having a bit of trouble with those word problems with parabolas. I feel like we're far behind, aren't we supposed to be up to Advance Trig? This weekend I will definitely start studying for SATs. Got the book and everything =D. Right now, I think I want to watch some television before I get started xD.

Written at
8:52 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. I was able to sleep last night very easily after reading Huckleberry Finn, but I'm still having trouble waking up. I tried to drag myself up at 5 this morning and I left at 6:30 like I did before since College Now started again. I don't like it. I seriously want Castro again. Waxman put us in assigned seats and I hate assigned seats. He speaks with suck a monotone voice and I feel like this next semester is going to be torture. I'm taking Lily's word that hes really easy and I'm going to pass really easily cuz if not, I want to drop the class.
I fell asleep during US History again >.<
Irene, Michelley, Nikola, Rochelle & I buy singing telegram for a certain someone xD. Wonder which one he'll be more embarrassed by- "Hey There Delilah" or a chinese song. Either way, it should be funny and I'll be sure to get it on camera and post it here xD This should be quite amusing.
Things to do: homework, study for test, get ready for tomorrow cuz I will be celebrating Chinese New Year with mommy since she doesn't have the day off on Thursday =T oyy

Volleyball, oh how I miss thee. Tomorrow maybe? xD
Written at
6:05 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
The GIANTS won the superbowl last night. Yay. Surprisingly, I understood the game o.O After the game ended, Ana said that some of our neighbors set off fireworks and I was like I haven't seen something so intense since the game between Hewitt and Bagdatis [or something like that] in the Australian Open. Intense. My college now class starts tomorrow and I have no idea how I'm gonna wake up at 6 again. I already have a hard time waking up at 7 and leaving before 7:30 for 2nd period. Oyyy this is gonna be a big pain in the butt. I'm thinking about getting a singing telegram for someone ^.^ doubt I will though xP. Oh yeah, must do homework that is due tomorrow and homework that was due... today... argh. This totally sucks. I SHALL NOT SLACK OFF
Written at
6:05 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Dancing in the RAIN
I woke up pretty early this morning -5:40 for Key Club. I didn't really like the elections because it was so hard to choose >.< For once the Q112 came early and I had to run to the bus stop & if I had went back to get my umbrella, I would not have made it. The day went by pretty quickly. After school I went to Flushing Mall with Michelle and Dennis for those lovely pan fried dumpling I haven't had in a long time, and Red Mango. A lot of people were right, Red Mango does taste better than Pinkberry. I think its because Red Mango was not as sweet, I enjoyed it a lot better. It was raining pretty hard and I didn't have my umbrella. When I got to 74th ST, there was a lot of water leaking on the R/V track & it looked like it was flooding so I tried to get out of there as quickly as possible. When I got to Union Turnpike, there was no Q37 there already so I had to wait. Tt was raining really hard and I had no umbrella. I stood in line waiting for the bus and like...dancing at the bus stop, I'm not sure if people saw me but who cares, they need to loosen up a little and do stupid things just for the fun of it...then again...they were like old so they wouldn't get it =P. When I was walking home, I was dancing again to Like Whoa by Aly & AJ. Diana bought me the INSPI(RED) shirt that I wanted over a year ago x]. She says its for the good grades on my report card. YAY. My mom didn't mention anything about it though. I spent like 10 minutes watching this video from Bad Girls Club like over and over and over again with Ana and now I'm ready to get some rest. Plans for this weekend: 1. Homework 2. SAT studying [though I have a feeling I'm not gonna get to this one >.<]
Written at
8:29 PM