Monday, February 4, 2008


The GIANTS won the superbowl last night. Yay. Surprisingly, I understood the game o.O After the game ended, Ana said that some of our neighbors set off fireworks and I was like I haven't seen something so intense since the game between Hewitt and Bagdatis [or something like that] in the Australian Open. Intense. My college now class starts tomorrow and I have no idea how I'm gonna wake up at 6 again. I already have a hard time waking up at 7 and leaving before 7:30 for 2nd period. Oyyy this is gonna be a big pain in the butt. I'm thinking about getting a singing telegram for someone ^.^ doubt I will though xP. Oh yeah, must do homework that is due tomorrow and homework that was due... today... argh. This totally sucks. I SHALL NOT SLACK OFF