I've been having a hard time sleeping lately. I was able to sleep last night very easily after reading Huckleberry Finn, but I'm still having trouble waking up. I tried to drag myself up at 5 this morning and I left at 6:30 like I did before since College Now started again. I don't like it. I seriously want Castro again. Waxman put us in assigned seats and I hate assigned seats. He speaks with suck a monotone voice and I feel like this next semester is going to be torture. I'm taking Lily's word that hes really easy and I'm going to pass really easily cuz if not, I want to drop the class.
I fell asleep during US History again >.<
Irene, Michelley, Nikola, Rochelle & I buy singing telegram for a certain someone xD. Wonder which one he'll be more embarrassed by- "Hey There Delilah" or a chinese song. Either way, it should be funny and I'll be sure to get it on camera and post it here xD This should be quite amusing.
Things to do: homework, study for test, get ready for tomorrow cuz I will be celebrating Chinese New Year with mommy since she doesn't have the day off on Thursday =T oyy

Volleyball, oh how I miss thee. Tomorrow maybe? xD
oh mannnn, bayside and their singing telegrams x]
i want to play volleyball again T.T
omg i want bubble tea so badly >.<
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