I got $330 for Chinese New Year this year ^.^ Not the $400 I usually get but I'm okay with it. I spent $20 on the Princeton Review book for SATs. Hopefully it will help me a lot. In art class we have to draw the soundtrack to our life. I had 2 okay ideas but I still need one more. I guess I should work on that, and the resume I have to do for College Now. It's really gay >.< yesterday he spent at least 10 minutes explaining to us how to save our stuff on the computer. 1. Save file onto computer 2. Email it to yourself. Seriously >.< This morning Jane & I snuck into Ms. Wongs freshman class. She got really annoyed when I tried to answer every single question but I couldn't resist, IT WAS MATH A! I miss it soo much. I'm having a bit of trouble with those word problems with parabolas. I feel like we're far behind, aren't we supposed to be up to Advance Trig? This weekend I will definitely start studying for SATs. Got the book and everything =D. Right now, I think I want to watch some television before I get started xD.

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