Walk for leukemia. I woke up and to finish my math homework, then I got a call from Beatriz. At around 2, I headed out to Cross Bay to catch the Q53 to Angela's house. I found out that the Off Track Betting place at the corner was pretty amusing, especially when people lost money because they ended up storming in and out cursing and such. I had some entertainment before I got on the bus ^.^ Once I got to Grand Ave., Angela and I walked to QCM to go shopping for twin day =]. We walked around for a bit, and then we ended up buying these two purple-ish hoodies from Aero. I wanted these two dark blue sweaters but by the time we got to them, there was only Medium, Small & Extra Small left. None of those fit us =T. When we went back there a second time, there was only Small left, so we settled for purple. At least it's a color that I don't have yet xP. It was about 4 then and we wanted to waste some time eating so we decided to go to Applebee's. I was a bit paranoid about eating there since I get a stomach ache after eating there like every single time! We shared an appetizer sampler, and I was fine =]. we went back to Angela's house to hang around for another hour to wait for Michelle & Jane. I thought I lost Michelle xP. Then we had Ten Ren's & we were uber late. When we got there, we ran through the check in because they were about to start, grabbed our balloons and headed out. I was kinda mad that I didn't get a red Balloon but got a gold balloon but eh, I'll get over it. It kinda lost helium last night so its laying proudly on my desk. The walk was so short. It started at the bandshell and we walked up to the cut off to catch the Q37 and walked back & that was it. Beatriz and I had walked that dozens of times, and around the track a couple of times too. There was no way that was 2.5 miles! At first, we held up traffic on Woodhaven. Bwhahaha xD. Throughout the walk, it was like a Bayside party. We were the loudest. I kinda lost my voice. They were screaming "Lets go Bayside, lets go" & all night it was like "Hey Bayside, how do you feel?". When we got back to the bandshell, it was a big Bayside Key Club, Cardozo Key Club, and Francis Lewis Key Club Party, but of course, BAYSIDE DOMINATED ALL. We were all screaming and such for our schools. Francis Lewis got Booed since we cheered the loudest for us and booed the loudest for them. When they called out for Richmond Hill, I screamed by myself like an idiot but it's okay, no one heard me over the loud music. People might have stared at me a little but it's okay. They did the cha cha slide & then we left. Took the Q11 by myself towards Howard Beach while everyone took the one towards Queens Center. Made it there just in time for an A train to Lefferts, and I called Angela when I got home. Apparently, I made it home before any of them made it on to a bus. Bwhaha. This time, living in Richmond Hill worked out nicely for me. Usually it's the other way around. Pictures: