It was freeeezing today. I woke up early for Key Club =]. We watched this UNICEF video and I was all ready to start collecting money from people but then they were all out of boxes >=[ Argh. I wanted a box. But it's ok, I'll get one next week. I wasn't able to sign in either, so I had to do it before lunch. In computer, I drew out 2 diagrams/comics for Jane & Michelle about how they meet tomorrow. It was pretty funny. it kept me busy during that class since I had nothing else to do. I finished the web page. We got new seats in math class =[. I'm still sitting near Esra but now instead of Kelly & Irene, I think I'm sitting near 2 sophomores. I want my old seat back =[. I participated in French. Thats an accomplishment lol. I found out I passed my English essay too! I was really happy since I confused myself when writing the essay and I thought all hope was lost. We sat through a lesson about baseball during GYM. Pissed me off. After physics, Irene & I went to Mr. Jacoby so I could sign in for Key Club, and after dealing with a month & 1/2 of bullshit in GYM, we finally complained and he said that he would go talk to them to find the reason why they changed our Volleyball class to a baseball/PE class. It still says Volleyball on our new schedules, and hopefully we'll be playing it again soon. Fcking sexist bastards! Theres still hope for pd. 5&6 Volleyball =] yay Jacoby! We have the Light the Night walk tomorrow. First Angela & I are gonna go shopping, and then we'll take Michelle & Jane to Forest Park So they don't get lost. It will be fun, and pretty damn sure it'll be cold as well. Gonna wear a thick sweater & long sleeves. Gonna be like frikkin 50 degrees >.< Gotta finish all my homework tonight or tomorrow though. Sunday is reserved for doing my US History project. I still don't even know what to do for it. I have all day =T I finished my art homework. More drawings with blending. I drew the camera & Diana's old MD player =]. New song as well, Pink - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely).

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