Lol. Not really. But a new inside joke has been created between me & Irene. In computer class, I have the first completed website thing, but I think it look really retarded xP. The little about me on the first page was me being really mean to myself haha. Math quiz, I think I did pretty well on this one :] well, hopefully. I just couldn't get the first one that well. Argh. Its always the first question that really throws me off. I think Pereira was still upset today, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one that was pissed off. With the relay race in GYM, we like...scootered or skateboarded or...IDK across the GYM. It was pretty amusing. I felt bad for the line that was next to mine. They had 2...big people on their team that weren't exactly able to finish. Physics quiz that I'm somewhat confident about :] and I didn't totally fall asleep in US History. Yay ^.^ I'm thinking about joining the cricket club...not sure if I want to though because that would take my 1-9 schedule & add like 2 more periods, 0 for Key Club & 10 for Cricket Club. Ahh what will I do >.< And plus, I would totally stick out in Cricket Club o.O Oyy. This will be interesting. My mom picked me up today & really pissed me off. I already have a long day at school & then I have to hear her nagg about school? Yeah, no thanks. I blasted my music listening to Jojo's reply of Beautiful Girls xD. But then we went to Pizza Hut where I butterfly stitched my headphones & got bitten by another frikkin mosquito >=[. I have an English test tomorrow. rawrs. But at least I was able to finish my homework at around 8 today. I shall have a good night's rest tonight =]

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