This blog will probably go dead for a while due to the lack of a life, therefore - nothing to write about. Going straight to school and straight home...hmm...sounds fun. Anyway. Angela moved on Saturday =[. We had dinner along with Michelle at Red Cafe. It was interesting. There were like 9 tv screens that face outside even though we were in the basement kinda & there was a camera on the entrance so we saw everything outside. I had my fried potato's aka hash browns =] along with some spaghetti bolognaise, and I was singing Everything's just wonderful lol. As we were about to leave, there was liek a protest outside & we missed it. Then we waited for Kristine so I could give her back her bookbag. Uhm, got vita lai =] and went home. Sunday was Breast Cancer walk. Went straight home Monday & on Tuesday, Michelle didn't have practice so I didn't go straight home. I ate sooooo soooo sooo much that day that I was about to burst. I got really fat too. Today, my mom picked me up from school and Diana was with her. We went to Bay Terrace Library & Central Library. We also had falafel's from this place on Main St. and Jewel Ave. I think. That thing burned my stomach. The salad wasn't that great either. And that is the end of my boring day -.- I miss Angela T.T

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