Today was twin day and my 50th post on blogger =]. I feel so accomplished, my blog didn't go dead. My twin for today was Angela :]. I woke up uber late this morning so my dad had to drive me. Stressed myself through the day and pretty much fell asleep during English and I woke up after I almost fell off my seat. Played softball outside. I was next at bat but then our "inning" was over. It was the most gayest thing ever, I swear! Levitt looked really gay too. I'm not sure what he was trying to do but he had this blond curly wig on and a cap over it and the entire time he was playing with his hair. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was gay, seriously. We had a physics test and surprisingly I was able to finish the entire test without omitting any questions. I just hope I got most of the right. Belman's class was about to knock me out but then we ended up voting which poster board project looks good. Surprisingly, mine was one fo the few that got most votes from the class so it's going to be hung up or something >.< but at least I get extra extra credit. I think it would have looked better if Diana's printer printed out black and white pictures instead of green pictures >.< it looks really funky. Angela waited for me. We just...went to McDonalds and went home. I had a snack wrap and fries & Michelle had a huge ice cream cone. Pretty lame day. I'm supposed to gather some money for tomorrow so I can go bowling tomorrow after the PSAT's with Michelle & Dennis. Then there's dinner on Friday...oh thats gonna be expensive...anyway. I need to sleep early tonight. PSAT tomorrow, and theres NO WAY I could do worse than I did last year! NO WAY MAN! Short day, me like :]
Oh how I wish to be in London

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