I didn't get much homework today so I'm pretty bored. I should be studying but I'm a lost cause >.< Boring day indeed. We had a fire drill 3rd pd. Almost our whole class got -5 except for like 3 people because we didn't get back when Pereira did. Like WTF. There are like 500 people trying to get through that stupid door, do you seriously think we could all get there the same time you do. Irene & I were like like 5th ones to get there & she still gives us a -5. That really pisses me off because its not fair. We lost her after like 2 minutes. She is seriously being really bitchy. ARGH. Rest of the day sucked. In GYM, the rest of the class had to do the pacer test. One girl did 3 and another did 10 so I don't feel that bad for giving up so quickly. If I could redo it, I might be able to do at least 20...if I try. Apparently we're doing softball next. BUT I WANNA FRIKKIN PLAY VOLLEYBALL >=[ pisses me off major. Physics quiz tomorrow & I'm totally lost. I'm even confused with the lab. I really don't know how I plan to struggle through the rest of the year. It's really not fun. Stress will kill me this year. Wonder when I should take the stupid SATs. I should have registered for the chemistry one. I regret not doing so >.< Speaking of chemistry, this seems to be an interesting [& better] periodic table. "Atomic" numbers 33-35 really calls to me xD

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