Is a package of Ramen noodles xD Well, my life is because I cant cook. Boo.
Anways, I thought I'd post something before the New Year :]. New Years Resolution? Less mean, more nerdy 8D, more "girly" andddddd lose weight x_x I've procrastinated on my English Term Project, and actually every homework this entire week. I'm not too happy about that. I need to start preparing for the SATs. I decided to not take it in January because it's just too soon and after getting my PSAT score back, I'm scared because I'm stupid xO. Finals are coming up soon. ACK. Stress, stress, stress. I hate it. I shall start improving my life. I'll start by meditating. I hear that it helps reduce stress. Scientifically proven xD
Monday, December 31, 2007
Written at
10:38 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
I've totally killed this blog. I think I'll start using it again when
1. I finish all my stupid homework
2. I'm not so lazy
3. I turn off the calculator
4. I stop pigging out
So many things holding me back...
Written at
10:49 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I noticed that I never updated November. I saved one post so I could do it when I wasn't lazy and I guess I never did. Well, it doesn't hurt to just post this as well x]
Written at
7:54 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
trick or treat for unicef
No one would give me money T.T
I wore my kitty sweater with my mittens and drew whiskers on my face with eyeliner. People seriously suck. Then I played football in the middle of the street with my neighbor for like...15 minutes til I got hit in the face x_x

Written at
9:42 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Walk #4 Step Out for Diabetes
Totally lame T.T I woke up at around 4 and had a really bad ache. I was feeling so sick, but felt a little better before I left. Left the house at 6, waited like 1/2 hour for the Q37 in the cold & dark >.< Got to Flushing Library at around 7:30ish and waited in the cold once again. Got some scallion pancakes :]. Practically slept through the train ride and then we got off at Fulton and walked to South Street Seaport. I got a number thingy and it was 746...or something else... I just remember that it started with a 7 & ended in 6. I didn't really have anyone to walk with & I was totally bored and bummed because Irene wasn't there =[. After walking around in 1 circle, I found Justin & Jasmin, 2 min later, Kristine and Alex left. I walked with Justin, Jasmin, and Francis, who I didn't know until the end of the walk. A lot of the food they gave us tasted TOTALLY NASTY! The seltzer water, the soda, the granola bar. The only thing that tasted good was the frikkin pineapple juice. When we walked back, we had some disappointments. Nasty food, no t-shirt, they gave us nothing but crap and we didn't get a balloon -.- Afterwards, I just hung out at the mall with Justin and Jasmin. We spent a good 10 minutes on the 3rd floor where they had this virtual reality thing on the floor. Apparently, we missed the DDR thing because a lady wanted to talk to us about DDR -.- Then we went into the photo booth and took our own damn pictures xP. Went to Wendy's and played Chinese poker hehe. Walked around a little more with nothing to do and went to the bookstore and then went home. I'm feeling pretty exhausted. I still need to do my art homework >.< ack. I don't want to go to school tomorrow.
Written at
4:58 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Life full of nothing-ness these days. Thursday I went straight home and Friday there was a 1/2 day. Even then I went straight home -.- usually I'd be out having some fun. I first went to Lefferts to see if there was anything I can help out with or do. I guess some small volunteering without getting anything out of it. Mr. Dai wasn't there, nor Ms. White. The assistant manager was there and was a bitch that didn't let me do anything. She said "fill out an application and come back tomorrow". I wanted to go for only 1 day and I already filled out an application. I guess I won't be going back there until next summer -.- stupid bitch. I just went to McDonalds and went home. My mom hugged me twice because of my report card o.O that is so strange. Oh card:
College Now, Math, French, Art, Physics - E =]
English, GYM, Physics Lab, US History - S =P
Gosh I'm such a nerd >.< But of course, my grade will begin to do downhill soon -.- I missed Victoria's Sweet Sixteen because I had the biggest cramp on Friday and I was practically crying >.< at least there was aspirin =]. So today, I woke up, ate, computer, ate some more, slept, ate some more, watched tv, ate some more and yeah, you get the point. Ahh. Life is so boring. Not to mention all those failed attempts to put waves in my hair. *sigh* I'll try again tonight and if doesn't work out for tomorrow then uh well. I'll be scary xD. I started on my homework & I need to finish it. I'm going to the diabetes walk tomorrow. Yay. Walk all this fat off >.< Time for more pasta xD
Written at
8:09 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This blog will probably go dead for a while due to the lack of a life, therefore - nothing to write about. Going straight to school and straight home...hmm...sounds fun. Anyway. Angela moved on Saturday =[. We had dinner along with Michelle at Red Cafe. It was interesting. There were like 9 tv screens that face outside even though we were in the basement kinda & there was a camera on the entrance so we saw everything outside. I had my fried potato's aka hash browns =] along with some spaghetti bolognaise, and I was singing Everything's just wonderful lol. As we were about to leave, there was liek a protest outside & we missed it. Then we waited for Kristine so I could give her back her bookbag. Uhm, got vita lai =] and went home. Sunday was Breast Cancer walk. Went straight home Monday & on Tuesday, Michelle didn't have practice so I didn't go straight home. I ate sooooo soooo sooo much that day that I was about to burst. I got really fat too. Today, my mom picked me up from school and Diana was with her. We went to Bay Terrace Library & Central Library. We also had falafel's from this place on Main St. and Jewel Ave. I think. That thing burned my stomach. The salad wasn't that great either. And that is the end of my boring day -.- I miss Angela T.T

Written at
7:14 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Walk #3 - Breast Cancer
Oh so frikkin tired! I woke up pretty early today which is kinda good since I need to wake up early tomorrow.I met up with Irene at Union for the Breast Cancer walk. We walked for the US Post office. lol. Uhm, we walked around trying to find food then ended up going to Subway and devouring a 6in sub. When the walk started, we were oh so hyper! We followed Jessie's bow thing, and had a competition with this other school. A&B? AMB? Something like that. We couldn't even understand them cuz they sucked Apparently, they threw water at us toward the end of the walk. Pfft, losers. Screaming BAYSIDE; Let's Go Bayside; B-A- B-A-Y- B-A-Y-S-I-D-E for like 2 hours really hurt my throat. i might have a sore throat tomorrow. Hopefully not >.< We walked towards QCM, like by the Old Navy and then we turned around and walked back. It was really tiring & so frikkin hot! Shao was dressed as the mail box. It must have been REALLY REALLY hot for him. Along the walk, he sat next to some real mailboxes & it was really funny since he blended in. Killer bees along the walk. When it was done, WOAH! Like 1/2 of the Queens Blvd. was doing the Cha Cha Slide. Haha. It was even bigger than the one from Light The Night and joined too xD. There was also Macarena, Cotton Eyed Joe [which I still don't know how to do] and Conga Line! It was like a big party. Then I walked to Jessie's house and crashed there for a little while. Had frozen pizza with this Asian seaweed thing which was good and cold chicken from BJ's. I got the larger part of the wishbone xD. I'm expecting my wish to come true! Then Flushing xD. Went to visit Michelley first, then got her bubble tea. She has my pin too -.-' met up with my mom to get sneakers but I ended up not getting it. Then I was gonna get my asspack, but my mom didn't have her credit card and I was kinda bummed. I am so uber tired and I still need to do my math homework on synthetic division >.< I just wanna go to sleep -.-'

& of course, our running mailbox
Written at
6:01 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Took the PSAT's today >.< I'm confident that I did better this year than last. But then again, I bombed it soo badly last year, there is no way I could have done worse. Got to school around the same time I usually do. Stood there for like 15 minutes and wanted to throw up because I'm kinda claustrophobic. Our first proctor was a bitch and the second one didn't really know what she was doing. 1/2 hr of class all day =]. We took a quiz today in GYM, like wtf. And Steinberger looked pretty stupid himself. I know its wacky Wednesday but omfg, I wanted to like...burn my eyes. The rest of the school day was pretty much torture. I had nothing to eat until I got to Flushing. Took the Q13 with Michelle & Dennis. We went to Blimpie & that potato salad was worse than the ones at school >.< Then we took the bus to Whitestone Lanes because Michelle wanted to go bowling again. I beat her xD which is kinda sad. Then we went to Toys R Us and took a whole bunch of pictures & being really stupid. I wanted that light saber but it was $120. I can't afford that. I was having a conversation with the guy that worked there on how much I wanted it but I'm a poor girl that can't afford it & he told me to ask Santa for it. Like psh. Then we went to Toto's. It feels like we haven't gone there in like forever. I think the pictures turned out really good =]. At least one of them did...

Written at
9:16 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Twin Day/50th Post
Today was twin day and my 50th post on blogger =]. I feel so accomplished, my blog didn't go dead. My twin for today was Angela :]. I woke up uber late this morning so my dad had to drive me. Stressed myself through the day and pretty much fell asleep during English and I woke up after I almost fell off my seat. Played softball outside. I was next at bat but then our "inning" was over. It was the most gayest thing ever, I swear! Levitt looked really gay too. I'm not sure what he was trying to do but he had this blond curly wig on and a cap over it and the entire time he was playing with his hair. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was gay, seriously. We had a physics test and surprisingly I was able to finish the entire test without omitting any questions. I just hope I got most of the right. Belman's class was about to knock me out but then we ended up voting which poster board project looks good. Surprisingly, mine was one fo the few that got most votes from the class so it's going to be hung up or something >.< but at least I get extra extra credit. I think it would have looked better if Diana's printer printed out black and white pictures instead of green pictures >.< it looks really funky. Angela waited for me. We just...went to McDonalds and went home. I had a snack wrap and fries & Michelle had a huge ice cream cone. Pretty lame day. I'm supposed to gather some money for tomorrow so I can go bowling tomorrow after the PSAT's with Michelle & Dennis. Then there's dinner on Friday...oh thats gonna be expensive...anyway. I need to sleep early tonight. PSAT tomorrow, and theres NO WAY I could do worse than I did last year! NO WAY MAN! Short day, me like :]
Oh how I wish to be in London

Written at
8:14 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Funny Bus Moments
I was still feeling a bit sick this morning but still went to school. Damn, I just remembered I need to make my dessert collage for computer >.< If i can't find one, I guess I'm forced to make one. I had to carry my stupid poster board for U.S. History & tomorrow I need to carry my fcking textbook. We better be exchanging it! I got my progress report for math. My average was an 89.something. It would round up to a 90 and I got an E for the marking period :]. I'm expecting many E's on my report card because I'm a somewhat nerdy Asian. We continued our still life's in art and my picture is completely thrown off because everything has been moved & the pear I drew is now replaced by an orange >.< Filled out our PSAT grid things. I'm actually kinda nervous but I'm pretty sure I'll do better this year than last year. Baseball is so boring >=[ I hate it, but at least my group was able to stay inside today. Small presentations in U.S. History and I get a 98 from Michelle, Elaine, & Alex's contribution =] I went to go play handball with people I don't know & then to Angela's house because she forgot my sweater. I got harassed twice >=[ fcking sick bastards! Anyway, my bus ride home on the Q53 was pretty boring until I got to like Atlantic Ave. The guy sitting in front of me in the back had his iPod on and was like dancing in his seat to his music. The lady next to him got annoyed & was like "ARE YOU GONNA SIT STILL?!" but the guy kinda ignored her. All of a sudden, she starts dancing in her seat & for like a good 3 minutes. The 2 of them were sitting down dancing in the back of the bus, we were all laughing in the back, people in the front was like WTF, and that was serisouly the highlight of my day xD. Now for homework >.< Angela is going to be my twin tomorrow for twin day! =]
Written at
6:44 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Light The Night
Walk for leukemia. I woke up and to finish my math homework, then I got a call from Beatriz. At around 2, I headed out to Cross Bay to catch the Q53 to Angela's house. I found out that the Off Track Betting place at the corner was pretty amusing, especially when people lost money because they ended up storming in and out cursing and such. I had some entertainment before I got on the bus ^.^ Once I got to Grand Ave., Angela and I walked to QCM to go shopping for twin day =]. We walked around for a bit, and then we ended up buying these two purple-ish hoodies from Aero. I wanted these two dark blue sweaters but by the time we got to them, there was only Medium, Small & Extra Small left. None of those fit us =T. When we went back there a second time, there was only Small left, so we settled for purple. At least it's a color that I don't have yet xP. It was about 4 then and we wanted to waste some time eating so we decided to go to Applebee's. I was a bit paranoid about eating there since I get a stomach ache after eating there like every single time! We shared an appetizer sampler, and I was fine =]. we went back to Angela's house to hang around for another hour to wait for Michelle & Jane. I thought I lost Michelle xP. Then we had Ten Ren's & we were uber late. When we got there, we ran through the check in because they were about to start, grabbed our balloons and headed out. I was kinda mad that I didn't get a red Balloon but got a gold balloon but eh, I'll get over it. It kinda lost helium last night so its laying proudly on my desk. The walk was so short. It started at the bandshell and we walked up to the cut off to catch the Q37 and walked back & that was it. Beatriz and I had walked that dozens of times, and around the track a couple of times too. There was no way that was 2.5 miles! At first, we held up traffic on Woodhaven. Bwhahaha xD. Throughout the walk, it was like a Bayside party. We were the loudest. I kinda lost my voice. They were screaming "Lets go Bayside, lets go" & all night it was like "Hey Bayside, how do you feel?". When we got back to the bandshell, it was a big Bayside Key Club, Cardozo Key Club, and Francis Lewis Key Club Party, but of course, BAYSIDE DOMINATED ALL. We were all screaming and such for our schools. Francis Lewis got Booed since we cheered the loudest for us and booed the loudest for them. When they called out for Richmond Hill, I screamed by myself like an idiot but it's okay, no one heard me over the loud music. People might have stared at me a little but it's okay. They did the cha cha slide & then we left. Took the Q11 by myself towards Howard Beach while everyone took the one towards Queens Center. Made it there just in time for an A train to Lefferts, and I called Angela when I got home. Apparently, I made it home before any of them made it on to a bus. Bwhaha. This time, living in Richmond Hill worked out nicely for me. Usually it's the other way around. Pictures:

Written at
9:38 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Woah, Cold
It was freeeezing today. I woke up early for Key Club =]. We watched this UNICEF video and I was all ready to start collecting money from people but then they were all out of boxes >=[ Argh. I wanted a box. But it's ok, I'll get one next week. I wasn't able to sign in either, so I had to do it before lunch. In computer, I drew out 2 diagrams/comics for Jane & Michelle about how they meet tomorrow. It was pretty funny. it kept me busy during that class since I had nothing else to do. I finished the web page. We got new seats in math class =[. I'm still sitting near Esra but now instead of Kelly & Irene, I think I'm sitting near 2 sophomores. I want my old seat back =[. I participated in French. Thats an accomplishment lol. I found out I passed my English essay too! I was really happy since I confused myself when writing the essay and I thought all hope was lost. We sat through a lesson about baseball during GYM. Pissed me off. After physics, Irene & I went to Mr. Jacoby so I could sign in for Key Club, and after dealing with a month & 1/2 of bullshit in GYM, we finally complained and he said that he would go talk to them to find the reason why they changed our Volleyball class to a baseball/PE class. It still says Volleyball on our new schedules, and hopefully we'll be playing it again soon. Fcking sexist bastards! Theres still hope for pd. 5&6 Volleyball =] yay Jacoby! We have the Light the Night walk tomorrow. First Angela & I are gonna go shopping, and then we'll take Michelle & Jane to Forest Park So they don't get lost. It will be fun, and pretty damn sure it'll be cold as well. Gonna wear a thick sweater & long sleeves. Gonna be like frikkin 50 degrees >.< Gotta finish all my homework tonight or tomorrow though. Sunday is reserved for doing my US History project. I still don't even know what to do for it. I have all day =T I finished my art homework. More drawings with blending. I drew the camera & Diana's old MD player =]. New song as well, Pink - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely).

Written at
8:34 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Rainy day in October
I haven't made an update in a while. Maybe because there is nothing going on in my life worth writing about T.T That kinda makes me sad. So today, Michelle, Amy & I went to Queens Center. They bought some stuff for Twin Day, and I was taking a look at what I could wear for twin day with Angela =]. We need things that are generally cheap. We are kind of low on money. I predict that this week & next week will be an expensive week. It was really rainy and cold. Apparently there was also a lot of thunder but I didn't notice anything. Either it was because you can't really hear the outside at the mall or that there was no thunder in Elmhurst. I had my chicken teriyaki & it made me really happy. I shared it with Amy, but then I was still hungry so I bought a milkshake, and I regret doing so. That thing cost me $4 and it was so filling that I didn't even finish it. I drank about $3.75 of it lol. Then I had to help Michelle finish her food. She had KFC xP. Then we went to look around a little more. After that, that little photo booth by Kamp caught our eye and we went to go take pictures. 4 Photos instead of 2 at Toto's and...yeah, it was pretty plain but once again, I decorated it :]

Written at
9:40 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Woke up at around 8. A nice dream ruined once again because I need to go bathroom >=[ Argh. I hate when that happens. I spent the morning downloading a lot of music. About 100 more songs today. After that, I thought I'd start my art homework. I had to draw a shoe and shade it to make it look realistic. Yeah, I can't shade for shyt! The outcome was pretty good though...I think. I think I liked the picture of Kristine's converses last year. I was gonna draw my Air Force 1, but ended up drawing my sisters Adidas. We'll see what I get on Wednesday. day off really isn't enough! More sleep time & rest needed.

Written at
5:02 PM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
MySpace No More!
Yep. After over 2 years, I finally deleted my MySpace last night. There was no reason for me to keep it around since I told myself I wasn't gonna go on it anymore. I don't think I'll be going on Facebook either. I think this is better for me. Less procrastination & its working so far. Most of my morning was spent on DA searching for some stuff to fix Ivan's web page since I do feel pretty bad about making his page into veggie camp. I'd probably be pretty embarrassed so I'm actually gonna try to do something to help it. Then my afternoon was spent downloading 2 albums, after listening to Dear Mr. President, which is an AMAZING song. I don't know why I listen to it over a year after it was released. It gets me pretty depressed and teary eyed but I still love it. Spent most of my day eating as well. I think I've gained about 10lbs this weekend. Maybe I can walk it off next week or something, highly doubt it thought. Watching baseball...well...was but now Diana watching it by herself & I'm at a "stage" right now. Feeling uber depressed. I don't know what to do >.<
Written at
8:58 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
HJ's Birthday
Well it was an early birthday. I woke up early to do my homework too. I did everything but draw my stupid shoe >.< I have no idea how I will manage that. If all else fails, I have Diana hehe. I spent an hour yesterday making HJ's card. I used the bunnies from yesterday as the cover of it. People thought I actually sat down on paint to draw it o.O like no, I don't have the time for that >.< So I felt totally lost yesterday, so first I went to Lefferts Library to visit people. I help Poonam put away some books & talked to her for quite a while. Then I got on the Q10 to HJ's house but I forgot which street she lived at >.< It's been a while okay... I made her fruit salad which I hope didn't kill anybody...but it was pretty popular since by the end of the night, almost all of it was gone. It was pretty much a big bowl of cantaloupe, grapes & pineapples...nasty pineapples. Her uber sharp knives >=] bwhahaha. I cut that cantaloupe without even applying that much pressure to it o.O. I sat there by myself most of the first hour or 2 since I didn't know anyone. I met Jo-ann once and that was pretty much it. I was not as bored when Amrita & Vicky arrived since I knew them & was able to have a conversation with them. We ate & ate & ate, then Amrita left & Vicky & I were really lonely. Hung around outside the school until dark because no one noticed. When we went inside, HJ tried talking to us but we were a little ticked but then ended up drinking...even though I promised myself I would never do it again >.< but it was really little & it wasn't that strong to begin with & was good =]. Then we cut cake, ate cake, watched her friends have a cake eating contest, then a peanut eating contest...& Vicky & I went home the dark...where I almost got hit by a car, harassed by these 2 old guys in a car, & then harassed again near my block. Oy, better transportation needed!

Written at
11:15 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
I had a pretty good night of sleep. I fell asleep at like 10 & didn't even bother studying for US History. I woke up at around 2, then woke up again at around 5 for Key Club. I waited in the dark for about 15 minutes for a bus to come. What really pisses me off is that every week, I get to Jamaica later and later. I missed the bus that would have gotten me there like right on time but it didn't really matter because Michelle was late as well. I did not recall any guest speaker being there unless we were THAT late. I sold my balloon thing for like $2 to Ivan xD. I needed a profit of my own lol. Then I had a math test where I'm pretty content about...maybe except for a few things. French test was like o.O oh boy. I forgot we had an English quiz but I still managed to get a 100 :]. Art was gay, I've never hated fruits until I had to draw them. Shading really sucks & I have to draw my shoe sometime this 3 day weekend >.< I got a 9.5 out of 10 on my physics quiz :] it made me feel a bit better. Then Michelle & I went to go help out with the bake sale except there were 13 of us & no one really bought anything -.- so we kinda ditched. Then we had a US history test which I'm pretty damn sure I bombed. After that I went with Michelley to Morning Glory where I got HJ's birthday present. It had a bunny & its sooooo cute. I remember telling her that I was gonna get her a bunny for her birthday like a long time ago. I kept my promise...though last time I promised her a real bunny. Then lunch was my treat :] pork chops and chicken at Flushing Mall >.< Still madd full. Speaking of bunnies

Written at
6:43 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
No Homework o.O
For the first time in like ever... I don't have homework thats due tomorrow. I have 3 tests though >.< In computer class, I helped Ivan on his page. It was pretty amusing because I turned his "Hell's Cavern" into "Ivan's Veggie Camp" lmao. War & Peas man. Be cool xD. Went through a lot of things. There's always tomorrow :]. Math test tomorrow, must study! French test, must study even more. US History test, definitely must hit the books. In art we're learning to shade >.< its really hard. My lime today looked like a fish o.O I really don't understand how that was possible but it was. I think i totally bombed my English test since I couldn't exactly think correctly. I don't even think I understood the quote correctly >.< The rest of the day was pretty gay. Right before I hopped onto the Q31, Michelle calls me & tells me she doesn't have practice today so once we got to Flushing, we walked around like sooooo much. Theres a pair of Nike's that I REALLY REALLY want. They're shiny :] We ended up getting Peking Duck, Fried Noodles, and Dumplings and ate at Flushing Mall. I think all that stuff made me sick >.< My Zen was also acting soo fay on the bus ride home. First I had to restart it because something happened, waited 3 min to rebuild, then it froze on me & I had to wait another 3 min to rebuild again. After that, I was about to listen to something & then it turns off on me, so I had to wait ANOTHER 3 min for it to rebuild. Argh. Wtf is up with that thing?
Written at
6:37 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Lol. Not really. But a new inside joke has been created between me & Irene. In computer class, I have the first completed website thing, but I think it look really retarded xP. The little about me on the first page was me being really mean to myself haha. Math quiz, I think I did pretty well on this one :] well, hopefully. I just couldn't get the first one that well. Argh. Its always the first question that really throws me off. I think Pereira was still upset today, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one that was pissed off. With the relay race in GYM, we like...scootered or skateboarded or...IDK across the GYM. It was pretty amusing. I felt bad for the line that was next to mine. They had 2...big people on their team that weren't exactly able to finish. Physics quiz that I'm somewhat confident about :] and I didn't totally fall asleep in US History. Yay ^.^ I'm thinking about joining the cricket club...not sure if I want to though because that would take my 1-9 schedule & add like 2 more periods, 0 for Key Club & 10 for Cricket Club. Ahh what will I do >.< And plus, I would totally stick out in Cricket Club o.O Oyy. This will be interesting. My mom picked me up today & really pissed me off. I already have a long day at school & then I have to hear her nagg about school? Yeah, no thanks. I blasted my music listening to Jojo's reply of Beautiful Girls xD. But then we went to Pizza Hut where I butterfly stitched my headphones & got bitten by another frikkin mosquito >=[. I have an English test tomorrow. rawrs. But at least I was able to finish my homework at around 8 today. I shall have a good night's rest tonight =]

Written at
9:10 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I didn't get much homework today so I'm pretty bored. I should be studying but I'm a lost cause >.< Boring day indeed. We had a fire drill 3rd pd. Almost our whole class got -5 except for like 3 people because we didn't get back when Pereira did. Like WTF. There are like 500 people trying to get through that stupid door, do you seriously think we could all get there the same time you do. Irene & I were like like 5th ones to get there & she still gives us a -5. That really pisses me off because its not fair. We lost her after like 2 minutes. She is seriously being really bitchy. ARGH. Rest of the day sucked. In GYM, the rest of the class had to do the pacer test. One girl did 3 and another did 10 so I don't feel that bad for giving up so quickly. If I could redo it, I might be able to do at least 20...if I try. Apparently we're doing softball next. BUT I WANNA FRIKKIN PLAY VOLLEYBALL >=[ pisses me off major. Physics quiz tomorrow & I'm totally lost. I'm even confused with the lab. I really don't know how I plan to struggle through the rest of the year. It's really not fun. Stress will kill me this year. Wonder when I should take the stupid SATs. I should have registered for the chemistry one. I regret not doing so >.< Speaking of chemistry, this seems to be an interesting [& better] periodic table. "Atomic" numbers 33-35 really calls to me xD

Written at
8:18 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Le Premier Octobre
It's the first day of October. Damn. That was really quick. Today was really boring. My mom drove me to school this morning & I was on time o.O I got a 100 on that art quiz. Yay. Even though my hand looked really weird. I passed the US History test with a 70 & now my average goes down to a 84 T.T I'll try to make up for ti next time. I've got lots of homework to do today. Like, they already give enough then they decide to add on to it which really does suck. I'm kinda lost in math, I spaz out during French, we're starting to read "Ethan Frome" in English but it seems so boring, fck GYM [I think i failed the pacer test. I didn't know you could fail that stupid shyt or I would have taken it seriously o.O], I don't understand physics that much, and I'm dead asleep during US History. This is not a good year. At least the lack of Myspace & the lack of Facebook && the lack of people on my buddy list kinda helps. I still suck in school, more than last year, but my grades even out because I'm actually doing my homework :]. I reactivated my facebook for only 5 minutes & Leonard notices o.O I didn't think anyone would ever notice. Time to get down to my homework which may take all night >.< I'm thinking about some clubs to join xP. My friend was telling me about archon [since I have the hours for it], and I was thinking maybe that baking club thing. Haha xD but at least I think if I bake every Wednesday morning, it will make me a happier & better person. Plus, I've always wanted to bake. Just imagine me coming in one morning with a tray of these

Written at
6:10 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
JDRF - Walk to Cure Diabetes
I slept over at Kristine's house last night so I can get up bright & early for the walk. It was freezing cold in front of Flushing Library. Atleast 30 of us filled up most of one of the subway cars, and I think people were getting annoyed with us but oh well. When we got out, pictures & my arms are sore from that. Kristine & Karen got one with this weird Statue of Liberty guy xP kinda funny. We walked in a circle waiting forever before we started walking. The coffee & muffin was good :] they made us "stretch" and do jumping jacks like no, I get enough of that at school. It was pretty tiring after the first 3 miles. Talking to people randomly & I was just like blehh. On the way back, I started watching The Amazing Race on my Zen & before I knew it, we were on the other side ^.^ pretty quick when you're distracted. When we finished the walk, we got these ham sandwiches that didn't really taste good, Coke, crackers, & pretzels that I didn't eat & accidentally threw out. People were feeding the pigeons xP. Afterwards, we went to Flushing, visited Michelle & bought candy from her, then went to go get Kristine. Now I'm sitting on my butt resting while Angela uploads the 100+ pictures she took. Haha. I feel so accomplished. Since I won't be able to send anyone the pictures since I'm oh so isolated, selected ones will be posted here...if anyone ever sees them o.O atleast they're posted somewhere right?

Written at
6:38 PM