I slept over at Kristine's house last night so I can get up bright & early for the walk. It was freezing cold in front of Flushing Library. Atleast 30 of us filled up most of one of the subway cars, and I think people were getting annoyed with us but oh well. When we got out, pictures & my arms are sore from that. Kristine & Karen got one with this weird Statue of Liberty guy xP kinda funny. We walked in a circle waiting forever before we started walking. The coffee & muffin was good :] they made us "stretch" and do jumping jacks like no, I get enough of that at school. It was pretty tiring after the first 3 miles. Talking to people randomly & I was just like blehh. On the way back, I started watching The Amazing Race on my Zen & before I knew it, we were on the other side ^.^ pretty quick when you're distracted. When we finished the walk, we got these ham sandwiches that didn't really taste good, Coke, crackers, & pretzels that I didn't eat & accidentally threw out. People were feeding the pigeons xP. Afterwards, we went to Flushing, visited Michelle & bought candy from her, then went to go get Kristine. Now I'm sitting on my butt resting while Angela uploads the 100+ pictures she took. Haha. I feel so accomplished. Since I won't be able to send anyone the pictures since I'm oh so isolated, selected ones will be posted here...if anyone ever sees them o.O atleast they're posted somewhere right?

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