Woke up at around 10am which is not good since I have to start waking up at around 5am every morning starting Saturday >.< I went to the Aquarium with Angela:) We had fun. Took forever to get there. It was kinda boring but we took pictures of the fish. Then we saw a show. It was with California Sea Otters...or something like that. I'm not sure but they were really cute =] I feel like I got a small tan after today. it was really hot & the sun was beating down on us. Then for the first time, we had Fish & Chips. They were REALLY GOOD =D. The fish wasn't fried enough though & the "chips" were not crispy enough either. The tartar sauce added a little pizazz to it. Then we went to Coney Island. It was kinda boring since we didn't have much money left. We spent like $3 on that crane game & didn't win a single thing. Then lost twice after playing DDR which wasn't really that fun. Then we went home & when we got on the F train, there was this weird clown. He kept like hitting himself with balloons & then stuck it up his nose & pulled it outta his mouth. It was so disgusting. He was weird
Oh, & I also bought her this headband thing. It had 2 dolphins on springs. It's really cute xD.
Ashley should have moved into Stony today. I wonder how things are there =T

Hehehe >_<;
it sounds like uber fun :]
whoo fishiesss(:
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