Being slow as usual in the morning. I woke up at around 6:30 but after washing my hair and such, it was about 7:00. My mom drove me to school. She was going so fast I got scared. Almost had a heart attack. I ended up getting there before Castro did so technically I was early. It was such a slow moving morning. I'm glad we're doing numbers again in math class. Oh how I miss you so xD. In art class, we're starting this "line" project. I'm going to base mine on the butterfly PSP brushes that I have. Hopefully I can make it look somewhat nice. It's due next week so no worries. We got our floor spots in GYM. 1C10 -.- before we just got 1 letter & 1 number. I wish we could start changing soon so we could start playing. Its so boring just sitting there. It started raining by the time we got to physics. We also have new seats for tomorrow =[. I liked my old seat better. Now, I shall be surrounded by a bunch of people that I don't know. We also changes seats in US History. I moved 2 seats back so now I'm in row 1 seat 6. Last seat right next to the door so I can run out at the end of the day & if I ever suffocate again, I could just stick my head out the door. I finished 2 of my homeworks at lunch & I shall now finish the rest :].
My favorite, SMILEY'S xD

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