Sixteen uber LAME candles would have been blown out today if I actually had a cake xP. It was also the first day of school which I saw no point of since only the attendance period teachers had rosters. I got up at like 5:30 and left at around 6:30. I was sooo tired it wasn't even funny. I never got to school that early. First period I had Castro, it was fine. Second period I have the most homework >.< Pereira is the same as usual, art teacher seems kinda cool, English teacher seems nice too. I liked his way of assigning seats. He shuffled all the Delany cards and them put them in the slots. I got a seat next to Minju =). In GYM, we sat there watching the teachers play Frisbee -.-' like wtf? Our physics room IS the lab room so on Thursdays, 2 periods in that same room with no food T.T We're supposed to be getting a new U.S. History teacher tomorrow. Hopefully he is better than the guy we had today. He was boring as HELL. Now i have to start my stupid math homework, get everything done for tomorrow & by that time I'm probably dead on my bed. Hopefully the back pain goes away >.< I went to TOTO's with Michelle & Angela too =) I accidentally pressed 'EXIT' so they're pretty plain. I guess I'll have to make them pretty myself xP. Lol. I'm pretty lame

aww ritaa im sorry your bday was lame to you T.T
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