I woke up a bit late this morning. Skipped breakfast again but I still managed to get to school around the same time I got there yesterday. Castro came in a bit late so i stood outside the computer room discussing my violent self with Jeffrey & Ivan :]. Sladowski is like... suicide. Shes a bit grumpy >=[ I don't like that. In art, I had to draw a still life. Instead of being smart like all the other people that just drew whatever is on the cart, I spent most of my time actually drawing the cart >.< In English class, we already started regents prep. It kind of scares me because I wasn't really paying attention to the story & I have to write a speech. Something I don't think I'll be able to do. Two periods sitting in the same stupid Physics lab is no fun. Belman is no fun either -.-' Afterwards, I spent a lot of time in Flushing with Michelle. Mainly because she just walks in so many stores. Lol. I went to the library to pick up my papers. I've done 264 hours this summer :] I'm proud of myself & I also received the huge SAT book and flash cards from Ashley <33.
I spent like 5 minutes decorating the TOTO's picture from Tuesday

Edit: 9:08 pm
I hate math homework. Why is it that no one else has learned it or understand it. Its really frustrating. Especially since she scares me so much. My brain is so fried, I can't even do simple math either. I really need this weekend to come like...NOW!
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