I had to take the bus this morning T.T it was all rainy. I was almost late to school. It was rainy, but it was still HOT. Everything was fine. I got those new planners. I can't believe it actually has the map of the school inside of it o.O We were supposed to get our US History textbooks today. I got mine, yeah, but not the one everyone has. Since we have US History 9th pd, we're like the last ones to get the books. Unfortunately, THERE WERE NONE LEFT! We got this OLD one from 1986 (actually, mine is the updated version - 1990). If thats not bad enough, once you open the cover of it, it says Grover Cleveland High School. What the hell? Did they confuse the school or something?[Our school is supposed to look exactly the same as that school] Once youlook under it, the first name on that had it in `93. Seriously, 14 years later & my name appears there at the bottom. The most recent thing in that book is George Bush elected as president, & I mean George Bush Sr.! I opened the book & started looking through it on the bus. It was seriously the funniest thing ever. Michelle got a good laugh out of it for the first 5 minutes. I just sat there laughing. I seriously hope we get new ones. We cannot pass the regents with all this "recent" stuff. I would carry this stupid thing to and from school everyday as long as we get a new book like really soon. It was soo dusty when I got it too. Its disgusting. I WANT A NORMAL US HISTORY TEXTBOOK DAMMIT! >=[
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