More like lunch. Once again, I woke up at around 10am. What will I do tomorrow >.<>.< I didn't even want to stay and wait for it since their food didn't taste that good anyways. Apparently I was the "princess" for the day. I was able to eat anywhere I wanted. We ended up eating at this Malaysian restaurant. It's funny because it was the exact place I went to eat 1 year ago xD. The food was ok. Since there was so much oil in everything, it was very filling. I didn't even wanna look at food int he end but my mom was stillhungry so she just kept eating and eating. I wanted carvel at the end but then I didn't even want it since it filled me up so much. So now I'm at home watching the Suite Life Marathon & then I should start packing up for school later. I have to wake up at like 5:30 tomorrow. Its gonna suck bad >.< Are there even buses that early in the morning? Does my metrocard even work that early in the morning o.O Ugh. We'll just have to wait & see. My 16th birthday is tomorrow =].
Apparently, its DA Breast Cancer Awareness weekend.

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