I spent my morning doing homework. I'm pretty much done with it but I still need to do my English Regents essay. I'll procrastinate on it until tomorrow where I will once again be doing NOTHING. I was gonna go to Kristine's house today to drop off the bubble wrap for the "Box". I never got a chance to go. She wasn't home for most of the day & I didn't really feel like getting on a bus & going to her house. I went to Carvel to get a 4 day late birthday cake. I had no idea that an itty bitty ice cream cake would cost $18. I got 2 oreo pie thing for $7. I thought it was ok. It made Diana feel a little sick since there was so much whipped cream on top, on the side & under it. I thought it was good though, but it was a bit sickening. I spent the rest of the day on the computer...doing nothing...as usual. I was look at a lot of the insane origami that people have created on Deviant Art. Then I was looking at food which made me really hungry. I want to do something with food too. I came across this

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