Once again, woke up late this morning. I got there JUST on time though I feel like I had arrived earlier than most other days. I had to lug that stupid US history textbook AGAIN. Not only did I have to carry that, I also got that stupid Math B textbook. Lucky me who got the book that had like 5 pages that had fallen out. Whoever had that book before me really needs to learn how to take care of them. I felt like a horse carrying all those. At times I had to carry Michelle's which means 2 History & 2 Math >.< I'm surprised my arm didn't break off yet. In art we had to do another still life. This time I didn't draw the table xD. We had to change in GYM. At first we were totally lost. I went down to the locker room and like 10 girl were in there. I didn't want to be the only idiot that changed. Jessica changed also & we made our way up the stairs and out when I saw Jane and a swarm of girls behind her. Turns out, we had to change today. I didn't see the point of that. We did our jumping jacks and then we changed again. Physics is a drag, so is US history. I was heating up again. He made me move one seat forward but I don't care, I'm taking my old seat back tomorrow. Michelle had me walk around Flushing with her on an empty stomach. Argh. I had my Vita Chrysanthemum Tea in the end though. That made me happy :]

Interesting to know.
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