Thursday, September 20, 2007

Burning Car

I actually woke up late again but I still made those panini's. Surprisingly they were still good even after it got all cold and soggy xD. For the first time in a long time, I bombed my math quiz. I knew everything that I need to know until I looked at the problem & my mind went totally blank. Hopefully it won't bring down my grade too much. I'm trying my best. We did this pacer test in GYM. Worst fcking shit ever!! We had to run back & forth, back & forth. I hope they realize that we can't do that especially if we have people standing in front of each other. The GYM isn't big enough for that. I HATE IT! Not to mention I had lab today which means double period in that stupid lab room. We finished the lab in like 15 minutes. It was so simple. After school, Michelle had to go to her interview so Dennis & I went with her. Then we tried to go bowling. We went all the way to Woodside to go bowling, but the racist manager told us there were no lanes open because there are people coming in. There were 3 empty lanes & then 1 person left after that so 4. We wanted to only play for like 1/2 hr. & pay full price for it. It didn't seem like those people were gonna come anyway. Michelle was very pissed. She & Dennis spent a lot of time insulting them on the way back. Then we went to go get McDonalds. Michelle was gonna get a happy meal with that blue guy from that Imaginary Friends show but they didn't have it. Instead she got Lazlo lol. You put the colored pencil in the behind haha. On the other hand, when we were walking to the bowling alley, we saw smoke in the air & people gathering to one fence. A car was on fire. It was insane. It was a really big fire too. It made like this exploding noise & I got scared. Apparently on the way back, the whole top of the car was gone. I was like SHIT MAN. It's like a sign we shouldn't go there again. Racist bastards!