Friday, September 28, 2007


Yup yup. Paid my $15 dues this morning. I guess I'm an official member of Key Club =]. I'm pretty psyched actually. I wish I could have done this last year too or something. On Sunday, I'm gonna do the walk for diabetes. It's 6.2 miles which really doesn't seem that bad. I walked to Bayside which is way more than that. Next month I shall be doing Light the Night for leukemia & the Breast Cancer walk. HIPPIE STATUS ONCE AGAIN xD. These past few days have been really boring. Wednesday I had dumplings, yesterday I went straight home, and today I had more dumplings. Bubble tea too xP. That guy that filled 3/4 of my cup with ice last time made the honeydew bubble tea which didn't even taste that good >=[. I had a bunch of quizzes today. I got 100 already on 1 of them. Bombed the US History test as usual & as for art...drawing of my hand looked demented. This week I accidentally grabbed Alex's bookbag when we were leaving Bayside. Good thing I noticed before it was too late xP... Yum...dumplings. Oh, I got curry too =]. Yeah...that's it. Hm. nothing special these days. I'll try to bring my camera on Sunday, if not...other people should have cameras as well. Oh, there was another fire in the school. Stupid idiots & those Bunsen burners again lol [like me]. Except the worst part was that it happened during 6th period. We were outside in our uniforms >.< Normally I'm watching other people in their uniforms and going "damn that must suck" but today that happened to me. Not fun at all >.<


Angela said...

lol im gonna have my camera ritaa(:

lol ima bring my ass pack anyways i think >.<

Pandaneko said...

i'm confuse. how do you add ppl? T_T;