I remember the Dragon Boat festival being much much better when I was a kid. No pictures =[ no camera. My dad drags me off the couch & pretty much forces me to go against my will. I always thought that standing next to him was a huge embarrassment so I kept my distance. I spent over an hour on the phone with Kristine. We have plans of our own for prom in like 2 years ;]lol. It's gonna be me, Kristine, Alex, and that stupid mannequin (long story). Standing outside in the heat on an empty stomach wasn't exactly the greatest because by the time I got to Flushing, I felt sick to my stomach. I should have done the dumpling eating contest. I still think that whoever cannot eat at least 10 dumplings in 2 minutes should not have competed. Even I could have done better. First place went to this girl who ate 43 dumplings & also the guy that ate 41. I still think it really was a waste of a day. I noticed that I got really tan on my arms, my face looks darker too. In less than 1 month, I will be turning 16 && I am...a junior. I should start making this summer one to remember. We're having an early birthday celebration for me at the library. I'll know when it is when Elle decides lol. I think the only other person that is coming is HJ, but its ok. I'm not ready to see people from Bayside yet xP.

Soo cute =]
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