Pretty depressing. Tomorrow is Desiree's last day at the library =[ we all saw that coming but I didn't expect it to be Elle & Javed's last day as well. NO! Why the hell is this happening. They're gonna miss that stupid clown & that stupid 4 day party. I need them to be there or else I'm just gonna be stuck there for another 2 weeks with annoying Ryan. Argh! We have to go around like idiots asking for donations for that stupid end of the summer party for the brats that most likely don't even deserve it. It's not gonna be the same. I just hope that these next two weeks won't be hell for me.
Hopefully I get the digi tomorrow so I can take lots of pictures =]. We still gotta kill that bird!
Edit: WE had fun. Hua Jing joined us & it was fun.

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