Today was a good day. I got to see Irene for the first time in like...a month & 1/2. I haven't seen her since we took the chemistry regents. It was nice to see someone I actually wanted to see from school.
I worked at the library for 3 hours today. There generally wasn't anything to do but whatever. I wasn't really able to just sit there & do nothing, but in the end, Kessler came & I was forced to move books from one shelf to another. On the plus side, I got one of those new library cards =D. I don't see the point of me getting a new one. I never use it lol. I got me a 4 digit pin number thing that I never had before so that was good. ITS PRETTY.
I met up with Irene at about 1:45. We walked to Forest Hills, had ice cream, sit in Barnes & Noble reading a giant college book, went window shopping, ate at Boston Market. We were bored after that so for the first time, she came to my house =D. Though it took like 45 minutes to get there, we were able to do a lot...kinda. She got the "grand" tour of my house & we sat there watching "Victoria Beckham: Coming to America". Though byt the time we finished that, she really had to get home but instead, we walked to "My Mothers Place" and got ices that I haven't had since freshman year! It tasted good before it got all over my white shirt =[. Irene also hates my neighborhood because we got harassed on our way to th bus stop which took forever to come since it was Saturday. Having the shuttle buses come by weren't that great either since it got our hopes up but it wasn't it. All was well.
Now I gotta get that stupid stain out of my shirt >=[. Then spend the rest of the night watching TV like the lazy ass that I am. It got sooo cold >.<
Looking at this makes me feel better

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