...and then annoying the next!
Something to keep in mind when you're finding a job I guess? Lol. Fun day at the library, though one lady like really pissed me off. Not only does she think that she gets all privileges, but she stole a whole bunch of little "prizes" that are for kids! KIDS. Shes like what, 30? 40? She comes with kids, ok. But that stuff is not for her to steal. Who the hell wants a large pack of erasers & stickers. And then when other kids try to get it, shes like "no, don't take any." Like HELLO. THEY'RE ONLY TAKING THEM CUZ YOU SET THE FREAKIN EXAMPLE!
Rawrs. Other than that, today was a good day =]. I brought in my digital camera & we took pictures with those stupid signs that I made yesterday that said "FREE HUGS". The kids were really sweet but then they got a little bit too excited & ticked me off but thats ok. I got pictures with Elle & Navneet. I'm bringing the camera again on Friday, when most of the other volunteers are there & Ashley isn't doing one of those calendars that pretty much waste paper.
Free Hugs man =] Inspiration by Hua Jing. Lol.

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